Land Use Planning
Land management
Conservation plans
Ranch management
Wildlife reserve design
Low-density development
Ski resort development
Golf course development
Native landscaping
Open space planning

Maintaining the economic viability and ecological health of public and private lands requires careful integration of natural resource use and protection. Biota offers many services that can assist landowners and land managers with ecological planning and conservation. These services range from small, short-term projects that focus on specific species or natural communities to the development of comprehensive long-term land management and conservation plans.
We have been involved in land use planning on ranches, private wildlife reserves, ski resorts, golf courses, and low-density developments. Each project has its own unique assets and challenges as we strive to integrate healthy ecologic systems with human uses. Recently, we have assisted large private landowners with wildlife habitat enhancements that support recreational opportunities such as hunting and fishing.
We have been involved in land use planning on ranches, private wildlife reserves, ski resorts, golf courses, and low-density developments. Each project has its own unique assets and challenges as we strive to integrate healthy ecologic systems with human uses. Recently, we have assisted large private landowners with wildlife habitat enhancements that support recreational opportunities such as hunting and fishing.