Ecological Restoration Projects
Green River Riparian Restoration, Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge, Sweetwater County, Wyoming
Biota is the prime contractor for this on-going, multi-year riparian willow and cottonwood restoration project along the Green River on Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge. To date, more than 3,300 dormant willow and cottonwood cuttings have been harvested, prepared, and installed. Due to the number of wild ungulates present on the refuge, tall tree protection tubes have been installed on each cutting to protect from ungulate browsing and rubbing. 2015 monitoring data indicate a survival rate of more than 70% for the installed cuttings.
Pine Creek Fluvial and Riparian Enhancement Project, Pinedale, Wyoming
Biota was hired by the Town of Pinedale to implement a Natural Channel Design methodology within a 1-mile reach of Pine Creek in Pinedale, Wyoming. Our efforts included design of fluvial, riparian, and system-wide enhancements to maximize benefit to public and private lands within the project area. Project proponents include the US Forest Service, WY Game and Fish Department, Trout Unlimited, private landowners, and diverse interest groups. Biota completed quantitative analysis of hydrologic regime, channel morphology, sediment conditions, aquatic habitat, and reference conditions in order to develop a fluvial system management and restoration plan to reduce flood hazard and maximize ecological values for the town, community, and regional ecosystem.
Wildlife Habitat Enhancement, Teton County, Wyoming
Biota was tasked with establishing a vegetated corridor to provide cover for elk and diverse avian wildlife in an agricultural meadow west of Jackson, Wyoming. Project objectives included providing cover, foraging, and nesting habitat for migratory birds, raptors, and small mammals. Locally-collected willow and cottonwood cuttings were utilized in the planting effort, which achieved maximum establishment/survival rates and enabled maximum project ecological benefit.
Biota was tasked with establishing a vegetated corridor to provide cover for elk and diverse avian wildlife in an agricultural meadow west of Jackson, Wyoming. Project objectives included providing cover, foraging, and nesting habitat for migratory birds, raptors, and small mammals. Locally-collected willow and cottonwood cuttings were utilized in the planting effort, which achieved maximum establishment/survival rates and enabled maximum project ecological benefit.
Forest Road Reclamation and Revegetation, Teton County, Wyoming
Biota was hired to develop a reclamation plan, and provide 3 years of post-project monitoring, for several road segments on a steep, north-facing hillside north of Jackson, WY. A baseline survey was conducted to characterize the existing plant community in the vicinity of the project, and a site-specific reclamation seed mix was generated to provide a successional approach to revegetation of the roads.
Flat Creek Bank Stabilization Project, Teton County, Wyoming
Biota was hired to improve the bank stabilization effort associated with a bridge construction project in of Jackson, Wyoming. Biota worked with the prime engineering consultant to refine the bank stabilization design and incorporate bioengineering techniques using locally-collected willow cuttings. Our plan ultimately applied a progressive technique of bioengineering through which woody vegetation was installed simultaneous to rock rip rap. The incorporation of woody vegetation within the rock revetment increased the functional and ecological benefits of the treatment through improved riparian vigor and structure, increased channel shading (and cooling), and increased roughness and overhead cover for fish habitat. Biota provided construction supervision and oversite during project implementation.